US Income Date By Zip Code


Eldred, Illinois (Greene County)

2017 Income Statistics

Median Income$62,083
Median Income Margin of Error$27,461
Number of Households225
Number of Households Margin of Error45
Median Income for Families$75764
Median Income Families Margin of Error$18433
Number of Families153
Number of Families Margin of Error37

2016 Income Statistics

Number of Returns210
Average Income (Based on AGI)$46,852
Average Salary/Wage$32,019
Number of Returns with Total Income210
Number of Dependents110
Adjusted Gross Income Amount (For Zip Code)$9,839,000
Total Income Amount (For Zip Code)$10,078,000
Salary and Wage Amount$6,724,000
Number of Returns with Net Capital Gains20
Number of Farm Returns30
Number of Returns with Social Security Benefits40
Number of returns with taxable income160

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